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自 2000 年以來,十字架和鮮血部以受人尊敬的部長的身份指導他人信仰、帶領祈禱和舉行宗教儀式。他們目前在舊金山為他們的會眾服務,在那裡他們充當宗教領袖、道德指南和紅顏知己。 Cross and Blood Ministry 還負責監督許多支持更大舊金山社區的志願者項目。


Cross and Blood Ministry is a vision that the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit gave to his warrior, Evangelist Jean-Guy Kishinkwa. Together with the Cross and Blood of Jesus Christ this ministry will preach the gospel of salvation to lost souls in the world.

The main message is the Cross of our Precious Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, crucified and resurrected.

Presently, the world is in an advanced state of confusion and spiritual blindness. The Holy Spirit sent his servant with a mission to " UNBLIND THE BLIND" by the Word of God.



(Es 53, 1-5; He 9, 12; Pe 1, 18-20; Luc 24, 46-47; 2Cor 4, 4; Act 26, 17-18.)

Statement of Faith

We believe :

1. That The Bible is the inspired word from God and infallible. It is a basic rule of faith for people’s condition in general and for the Christian in Particular,

2. In only one true God, who revealed himself in Jesus Christ as a human being, manifested by 3 different personalities, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

3. At the salvation in JC who died for our sin, was buried and rose- resurrected , that we have our redemption and the complete forgiveness of our sins through his blood,

4. At water baptism by immersion in the name of JC, recommended to whoever went through the repentance and accepted JC as their savior and Lord,

5. At baptism by the holy spirit, which the main sign is speaking in different languages- tongues,

6. At a sanctified- Consecrated life, sanctified thinking, by the way a person speaks or acts, by the way he submits himself and obey the divine commandments,

7. At the divine healing, a sick can be delivered and heal completely by JC ‘s sacrifice on the Cross at the Calvary,

8. By exercising the spiritual talent of the ministry and different result produced by the holy spirit as prescribed by the world of God,

9. At the holy scene or Holy communion, at washing feets, laying on of hands and the sick oil oinmtent, at hand holding in transferring grace for the commitment in the word and prayer ministry in the royal sacerdoce, which are the 5 main ordinances to all believers until the Lord JC return.

10. At the End-time judgement event and eternal punishment for all people who names will not be written in the book of Life,

11. At the rapture event of believers (Church, body, ministry of the Lord JC) and Christ's return,

12. That the marriage is a divine institution and a sacred union, same as having a sign of fidelity for a covenant , not just with the Lord but with a partner, the basic foundation is Love which is expressed in affection, in thinking and in action for the well being of his/her partner. The marriage can end only if one of the partner decease or if there is a case of adultery (wives' infidelity) and that the other partner does not forgive.

13. That the family is the basic or foundation of a society,

14. That Hard work is the only mean-way a human being should be satisfied of his material, concrete and financial blessings,

15. At the main commandment from God: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

16. That a child of God shall serve by giving offering, tithe, for supporting the ministry, and support also the orphans, widows and prisoners.



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